Sunday, February 5, 2012

Name as many fish as you can for a 7 gallon hex eclipse?

I need ideas for plants and fish lots of ideas. Put different ideas


Idea one: A whale and java fern

Idea two: Moss ball 1 pictus catfish and 5 guppies.

Those are not real of coarse they are just examples of me showing you what to do when answering this question.

Please be serious and reasonable!

Best answer will get ten points

I don't want any 1 inch of fish per gallon answers because that sucks

Name as many fish as you can for a 7 gallon hex eclipse?
i suck at this....

1 betta

1 guppy

4 neon tetras

2 goldfish

a platy

a swordtail

2 black widows

a betta

a guppy

2 danios

2 kuhli loaches

fake plants.
Reply:guppies, platys, bettas
Reply:Let's start off with the fish first since it would be easier


8 Neon Tetras

3 Amano Shrimp


6 Galaxy Rasbora

3 Red Cherry Shrimp


5 Clown Killifish

3 Corydoras Catfish


8 Cardinal Tetra

4 Panda Cory


2 Swordtails/Mollies/Platies


3 [male] guppies


5 Copper Tetra

1 Male Betta


3 Female Bettas


3 Celebes Halfbeak

3 Bronze Cory


5 Limias


Usually, most plants should be small enough to grow in your tank. You can get stem plants which you can clip off everyones in a while when it grows to the surface and re-plant it, rosette plants such as amazon swordplants and cryptocorynes.


Amazon Swordplant

Red Ludwigia


Sunset Hygro

Wendtii Crypt

Lucens Crypt



Water Sprite

Purple Waffle

Balansae Crypt

Java Moss

Java Fern

Indian Fern

Madagascar Lace
Reply:How about java moss with a java fern combine that with a small school of tetras an algae eater a platy and a trio of guppies.






with 10 guppies or tetras or maybe 5 mollies or platys






with guppies tetras sword-tails mollies or platys

FINALLY you could mix up all of the above plants and make an amazing Betta tank!

or a Betta sorority which is like 5 female bettas which can get along great with the right hiding places and a heavily planted tank!

This was fung! Hope I could help!

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