Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Is it against the law to have a marijuana plant in your house.?

Seems like its just a plant like ferns or wandering jew. I mean as long as you are not making pot out of them, is it still against the law.

Is it against the law to have a marijuana plant in your house.?
Unfortuately these lovely plants are illegal to have at all. But not if you are in Oregon and have a med card. :D
Reply:Yes it is!!!
Reply:Ask this guy

Reply:yes possesion of illegal substance... in any shape or form
Reply:As illegal as drinking and driving.
Reply:Yes they are still illegal, but why would you want one just to sit there anyway?
Reply:The answer is yes!!!!! Eventhough how small it is and that is against the law. Better remove and trash it out. For your own good.
Reply:Unfortunately yea, just don't invite any law enforcement and you should be fine....
Reply:It's called possession, and whether you have dried and rolled the leaves, or just have them sitting around, it's a big ol' no-no.

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