Sunday, February 5, 2012

How do you plant Anubias and Java ferns?

I just got some Petite Anubias and Some Philippine Java Ferns that I ordered online, they have leaves on them and I am attaching them to rocks with cotton string should I just rinse them and add then to my tank or shoudl I remove leaves?

How do you plant Anubias and Java ferns?
Leave the leaves there (lol). While many plants will die off when introduced to a new tank, these two species are very resiliant and tend to just keep growing. Let them be and you'll be glad. You may want to do a quick bleach dip to be sure nothing hitch-hikes into your tank (parasites, fungi, bacteria, snails, leeches, invasive plants, etc.)... A 1:19 part [unscented] bleach:water dip for 2 minutes, followed by a thorough rinsing and 5x dosage of dechlorinator, will keep all the nasy critters out and leave your plants unharmed.

EDIT: That sucks. If they're slimy (like they've been decaying) and falling off, clip them off... Any healthy leaves should be left to their own deciveces. Also, make sure you do not damage the rhizome (the woody looking thing from which the leaves stem), as this will be able to produce new leaves, even if all the others have been snipped off.
Reply:There is no need to remove leaves unless they are dead or dying. Otherwise just add them to the tank.


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