Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Too late now to cut back potted plants taken in for the winter?

I took my large pots of geraniums, asparagus fern and spikes inside last fall placing them in a shed that allows them to get light and keeps the temps around 50. I've been reading that I probably should have cut back these plants. Is it too late now (early January)? Can all 3 plants be treated the same?

Thank you.

Too late now to cut back potted plants taken in for the winter?
I have been taking my geranium and asparagus fern inside for years now. I cut them back and pinch them back as needed to keep them looking nice. Once I take them in I tend to treat them as regular houseplants and I have geraniums blooming all winter! If you do cut them back now just don't do it as severly as you would have . My asparagus fern is lush and green and growing like crazy. They get south and west light and cool temps. Good luck

Reply:No, it is not too late. Most people do not do enough pruning of houseplants anyway. If they are inside, what is the harm? geraniums often need pruning to avoid legginess. Good temperature for them by the way.

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