Sunday, February 5, 2012

Fern Question?

Where are the best places to plant ferns?

Fern Question?
The best place to grow a fern really depends on what variety it is... some grow better in shade, and some varieties will even grow well in sunny areas. Most ferns, like the Japanese Painted Fern (Athyrium niponicum 'Pictum'), are shade/part shade loving, while both the Ebony Spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron) and Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides ) will tolerate full sun ...if they are kept well watered.

For a sunny area, you can grow Southern Shield Fern (Thelypteris kunthii) %26amp; Florida Shield Fern (Dryopteris ludoviciana):

Some other ferns that will grow in the open in full sunlight, because they have adaptively thickened cuticle tissues for protection, are the "Cloak Ferns" and "Sun Ferns". Biologist Jordan Metzgar says that the Cloak or Sun Ferns shown in the site below are now classed in the Genus Astrolepis:

Lady Ferns (Athyrium filix-femina) tolerate full sun in the North in a damp site. For the best results, plant in soil well supplied with organic matter, that doesn't dry out.

The Southern Lady Fern is supremely adapted to a wide range of sun and soil characters. They can be quite drought tolerant, after they are established. These plants will grow in both full sun to total shade, but will require more water, and a more organic soil in the sun.

Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) can survive in nearly full sun to full shade, but really needs moist soil to do well.

Royal ferns (Royal Osmunda regalis) grow in light shade to full shade, but with plenty of water, it can tolerate nearly full sun, more so than cinnamon fern. They like a moist, somewhat water retentive soil. Royal ferns typically grows in clumps to 2-3' tall, but with constant moisture can reach 6' in height, %26amp; are hardy in Zone 3.

Sensitive Ferns (Sensitive Onoclea sensibilis) can grow in sun to shade...but will tolerate sun only if given sufficient moisture. Native to eastern N. America and eastern Asia, naturlized in western Europe. Name came from settlers who saw how it was very sensitive to frost. Spreads %26amp; can become weedy if not sited properly They prefer acid humus soil that stays moist to boggy; grow 1-2 feet tall; and are hardy in Zone 3-8.

A forum discussing ferns that grow in sun: Dryopteris ferns, Osmundas, O. regalis and O. cinnamomea, Hay-scented ferns (Dennstaedtia punctilobula), Christmas ferns (Polystichum acrostichoides)

A list of heat-tolerant ferns from Clemson Extension:

Sun to Full shade- constant moisture in sun: Southern Shield Fern, Cinnamon Fern

Constant moisture: Royal Fern

Some sun to light shade, does not like wet soils: Ebony Spleenwort

Good Luck! Hope this is helpful.
Reply:You're welcome!

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Reply:ok what i have done is i put my ferns in a nice pot and i put it under a shady area like a gazeebo and i water it every 2 days i also have some in pots that get half shade and half light you can put them in the ground because they do the same thing and they grow like there is no tomorrow
Reply:Depends on what type of fern it is. Some like filtered light/shade. Others like Springeri can take sun. You need to know what type of fern it is and then find out what it needs.

Those babies will thrive anywhere you put them. I have to thin mine out 2 x's a year
Reply:In the shade where there is moister .

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