Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Does anyone know if any animals or insects eat the Lady Fern, also knowm as a fern?

Rabbits eat the tops off of my cinnamon ferns every spring so I cover them with big, plastic, vented domes that I bought through a catalog. I can safely remove the domes once the fronds have unfurled. I've never had a problem with bugs but aphids might like them. A light squirt from the hose will deter them.

But I did find this in my search on the web:

Some common pests of ferns and the method of control are listed. Many ferns, especially fine-foliaged species, are sensitive to pesticides and care should be exercised in their application. When using pesticides, safety directions should be followed carefully. You, especially, do not want foliage "burns" so wait for a cooler, cloudy day and maximally dilute the solution.

Caterpillars (late summer) can be are controlled by crushing the critters by hand, or, in cases of severe infestation, a spray such as Isotox made by Ortho or Sevin made by Garden Tech may be applied.

Slugs and snails require regular baiting with snail bait, especially after wet weather.

Aphids may attack new fronds especially in spring and autumn and can be controlled with a contact spray such Isotox or those based on Pyrethrum extract. Frequent squirting with the hose (as previously mentioned) is the preferred controller. However, people have had success using a skirt bottle of water mixed with a little liquid dish soap, as an alternative to store-bought chemicals.

Scale insects are generally found on stems and on the undersurfaces of fronds. They may be brushed from the surface using a toothbrush or, in cases of severe infestation, an Ortho systemic insect controller (such as Orthene) may be used.

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