We bought a tree fern in the spring and it has been a wonderful feature in the garden in the summer, but now with autum finally with us and the impending long winter about to arrive we dont know what we should with it we are told to cover it in garden fleece and keep it watered but not too sure if that is the right thing to do. please if anyone has one or knows what to do with it.
Tree fern advice?
The most important thing is to protect the crown - the top where the magical fronds curl out from. I have gently put a soft duster (new/no chemicals) into the crown - gently pushing down with fingertips. Or you can put fallen leaves in there instead.
Do not water it in the winter - loads of water was for the summer!
If it gets really cold - more than -5 then I wrap a fleece blanket round the trunk as well and if the leaves are still there gently over them too.
They're so beautiful aren't they?
see this link too
Reply:I live in the south,But my sister said she dug hers up leaving a large root ball covering it with a plastic bag and wetting it down real well and stored it in the house. If yours isn't too big? Since they are native to Tropical rain forests I would try to keep it as warm as possible especially when there may be a frost coming.
Reply:What species? Australian tree ferns can survive down to 20 degrees while others cannot take any frost at all.
Reply:I live in Scotland and have over-wintered both of my tree ferns successfully.
I place straw in the crown and remove them to a frost free part of the garden, raise them up from ground level if like mine they are kept in pots. Garden fleece may also help, although I have never used it.
In spring feed %26amp; water well.
Good Luck.
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