Monday, January 9, 2012

How do you make a Staghorn fern grow it's best?

Staghorn ferns are great plants, and really easy to care for.

Think tropical rain forest-a high level of humidity is important. Don't place near heating ducts, and mist with water every couple of days. Place your plant where you have alot of sunlight.

Also, staghorns like moisture--water thoroughly, and let it dry out before watering again. Water every 10 days in winter, and 7 days in summer. Water the plant in a sink or bucket--ie, soak it for 15 minutes, then let it drain well. Drainage is important, as staghorns don't thrive when over-watered. Fertilize every 7-10 days

You can place your fern on a piece of wood or bark, or in a hanging basket.

Your plant will thrive in a peat based soil, available at garden centers. If on log/wood/piece of bark, use spagnum moss, shredded, in the soil.

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