Saturday, January 14, 2012

A good weedkiller to get rid of Bracken Fern.?

Bracken fern is almost impossible to dig up. But here is how I have handled bracken fern. I am in Northern Michigan and have lots of it. Bracken fern comes up in my vegetable garden every year. Howevr, I have fastidously broken off the stem as deep down as I could and have reduced the number from about 100 when I started to about 2 or 3 stragglers. Just keep snapping off the stems. Also, I just read in a book called Abundantly Wild, that bracken fern is just as good as ostrich fern when picking for fiddleheads. There are many recipes for fiddlehead ferns. This year I am going to try eating the little devils when they poke up their heads.

A good weedkiller to get rid of Bracken Fern.?
If you must use a poison, read the labels of the different glyphosates (Round Up, etc.) out there and see if any of them kill ferns. You can also ask at your local garden center.
Reply:How about posting it on freecycle or even ebay stating people will have to dig it for themselves. I love ferns, and my local garden centre sell loads of them. As it's a perennial, you could just dig it up where ever it sprouts up, cheaper and more eco than weedkiller.

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