Saturday, January 14, 2012

Do you tie Java fern to a rock?

will it grow that way?

Do you tie Java fern to a rock?
Java fern is very hardy and will attach itself to most rough surfaces, I even had java fern (also known as moss) attach directly to gravel and sponge filters.

People also attach it to pieces of driftwood and it does grow quite well like this.

You can use fishing line or even an elastic band to attach the moss where you want to.

If you have quite a strong current in your tank be sure to attach it well otherwise it will clog up your filter and stop it from working to its full capacity.
Reply:Yes, rock or driftwood. The binding should be gentle,and just tight enough to maintain the plants position. I use bands cut out of my wife's discarded nylon knee-highs.

To the answer that said Java Fern and Java Moss are the same,I say do some more research. Look up Microsorium pteropus and Vesicularia dubyana.
Reply:Yep. Fishing line works great. It will attach itself in a few weeks.
Reply:definately, use fishing line. Try adding plant food for a faster initial growth
Reply:Im not an expert on Java Fern but I have had a tank for quite a few years but personally I might weigh down my java fern with lead weight that you can buy in a strip from your aquarium shop.

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