Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can hanging ferns be planted in woods?

We have the ferns (Boston?) that hang from our porch. Can these be planted in shady and wet areas in the yard and live? I see other ferns out there in the wild and am tyhinking of doing this.

Can hanging ferns be planted in woods?
Ferns for the most part are wet woodland or forest plants. They are endemic to that area. There are even ferns that grow in the desert. Their hardiness zone is 9-11. They grew year 'round at my home in Fairfield, CA. It depends on how cold it gets where you live.
Reply:try it .sorry can not be more specific.

As long as you have a very mild winter, I can't see why not. Do you dislike your plant so much that you are banishing it to the wild blue yonder!?! Or is it ill and perhaps you think it may do better out in the world on its own? It is a houseplant, I hope it wasn't a gift, heaven's forbid a wedding gift! I guess you will have to do what you must, and live with the consequenses. If you must plant it "out there" do try to find it a home where it can semi hang. That would be from a trail, try to dig a hole and then fill it with high humus soil, and leave it in a trailing position. Semi shaded, would be good. Happy dreams Chris, if you dont give it a good home, you may find yourself dealing with the revenge of the Boston Fern!!!

Happy Planting!

Reply:It depends upon your winters. Boston ferns originated in Florida and were sent in a shipment to a Boston florist. They were identified and then adapted to parlour use in Victorian times. They usually do not survive winters outside the zone 8 areas, and warmer of course.
Reply:Depends on where you live. Boston ferns can not survive a freeze. They are not perennial so they won't come back next year like the wild ones you see in the woods. You could keep it as a house plant but I warn you , they are messy.
Reply:plant one fern and see if it survives
Reply:I'm no expert, but i don't see why not. There's not difference in temperature/moisture on your porch and in the woods. If they are in the shade on your porch, i'd keep them in the shade in the woods. Although if they are in the ground, you have to worry about insects and animals more. Also if you have to water your ferns more than it naturally rains, you'll have to water them.

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