Sunday, February 12, 2012

Can someone recommend a hardy outdoor hanging plant?

We are trying to sell our house and need a nice hanging plant for the front porch. We are not the best gardeners and have already gone through two ferns in a few weeks. We tried watering more and keeping out of the direct sun, but the second one still died. We don't want anything flowering that will attract bees. Any thoughts? We are in Ohio and our house faces west, if that helps. Thanks!

Can someone recommend a hardy outdoor hanging plant?
I have the perfect hanging plant, and it comes in several different colors. We got it for my mother-in-law for mother's day and it looks stunning. It's called "million bells"--see the website for a view.

I also like portulaca (moss rose) which can take a great deal of heat. But in planters you still have to keep the soil moist or you'll cook the roots.
Reply:Try an aspargus fern.
Reply:Hey, I know what you mean. Ferns have to be misted every day.

Anyway, I have the perfect hanging basket for you. It is called "wandering jew." It is purple in color, and doesn't need a whole lot of water, but please, do water at least once a week. You can also just take a piece of it and put it in the ground and it will grow really quickly.

Just plain "Airplane plants" are another good one. They take the heat well and also make little baby "airplanes" that can be placed in the ground as well. They are green and white striped. I don't know the official name but a nursery will know what you mean by airplane plants.

Best of luck in selling your home.

You could also buy a couple of inexpensive plastic pots and put petunias in. They love the sun. Just keep them watered and pull off the blooms once they have completed the blooming. You will get a whole lot of flowers out of them.
Reply:Have you tried sweet potato vines? They're related to morning glories, but don't normally flower. Most nurseries carry them and they come in different varieties and colors including variegated.

They make very attractive hanging plants and are just about impossible to kill.
Reply:Wandering Jew. its got a deep purple color and is very hearty.
Reply:Group a few small ivies, maybe the varigated kind, in a hang-

ing basket. They can take a little neglect and that direct sun,

which ferns cannot. Put enough plants in to look full and to

drape over the side. Or, go crazy and put together a couple

of pots, one of one type and one of another. Don't mix types

in the same pot, looks messy. They stay green through the

heat and cold too. Good luck!
Reply:Try a Philodendron. It comes in many varieties and is really hard to kill. They are drought tolerant and will let you know when they need a drink by going a little limp. You can't place them in directly sunlight, but a little won't hurt. They are pretty too.

Here's a pic:

I'm sure you've seen one. They are everywhere. You can probably find one at your local super store.
Reply:I think sweet potato vines sound like they would be an excellent option, you can find them in all different shades of green %26amp; purple foliage, and they are easy to grow %26amp; low maintenance. They look great mixed together with lime %26amp; purple or just all one type of plant. They are inexpensive annuals. I have them in my front baskets which face southwest %26amp; I give them a shot of miracle grow once a month %26amp; mixed in the potting soil a product from lee valley ''Soil Moist" which helps retain moisture. I water every other morning or so in warm weather.

Soil Moist

Potato Vines photos:

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