Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What is the diet of a water dragon (see details)??

I need to know if a water dragon can eat ferns. I want to put one in his tank, but I am afraid that Merlin might get sick.

What do water dragons eat???????????????????

What is the diet of a water dragon (see details)??
I've got ferns in most of my reptile cages no problem.my bearded dragon and iguana eat a lot of it and they are fine it also helps me a lot because i know they will be fine if i go away for a week
Reply:they eat many types of food lik: crickets, locus, a baby pinky (mouse). some if they like it you can feed it some fruit like apple, pear they like all those type of things.

hope this helps.
Reply:crickets, fruit and vegetables grated small, calcium dust the food, and gut load the crickets for the nutrients, it may nibble on the fern, you may want to investigate on the web if it is poisonous to other reptiles such as iguanas, since I haven't found much specialized info on water dragons. If they are poisonous to other reps, I wouldn't use it
Reply:What the h*ll is a water dragon? I think I want one.


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