Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I have a saliva microscope and it seems to always show ferning patterns?

Im trying to get pregnant and I have some conflicting signs of ovulation. My microscope showed 2 differnt time with full ferns, and I know the day I ovulated because i had pain for 2 days then i went away, now the scope still shows ferns, is this an early detection of preg? Also I feel some what sick.

I have a saliva microscope and it seems to always show ferning patterns?
I love my microscope!!! I really believe this is the reason why I got pregnant the first time we tried :)

What happens is that you really have to know how to read your body and know when to take you saliva. They say that you need to test your saliva AS SOON as you get up in the morning...before you eat or drink anything! Then you let it dry. I always put a ton of spit on mine so I would make sure that I would get an acurate reading...and it would take about an hour to dry. I would put the spit on it in the morning and then as soon as I got home from work I would check it.

Then usually it matched up every month. I would have my period..when ever it wanted to come! Then about 9-10 days after the first day of my period...small ferns would start to show up. Then in then next five days the ferns would be really intense. About the 15th day after the 1st day of my period I could tell I was ovulating. Then for about a day or two I would still have a few ferns showing up.

They best time to try is those 4-5 days before your ovulation day. Sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days, so let those babies swim!

The microscope actually shows the salt in your saliva. When you are getting fertile your body chemisity changes and that is why the increase in salt in your saliva. After you body ovulates your body goes back to normal and the salt goes away.

If you are always seeing ferns I would maybe have a blood test done to see if your salt levels are high. Or you might be using it at the wrong time.

Best of luck using the microscope!! I am hopeing to try this month again and I really hope that it is as easy as the first time! So far the microscope has helped!!! ;)
Reply:Hey - I heard the saliva micro is not really too acurate.

Check out http://www.creightonmodel.com/. They can hook you up with an instructor that will teach you how to use this method to achieve a pregnancy.

They teach you how to look for physical symptoms (ie mucus) to determine when you are ovulating. It will also show if you're having some fertility problems, and they will hook you up with awesome doctors to resolve the issues.

Trust me, this is really the most accurate way to determine when you are ovulating! :)

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