Tuesday, February 14, 2012

How do I keep birds from building nests in my hanging ferns?

The "green friendly" way is to simply check the baskets for nesting materials and remove them by hand. Eventually, the birds give up. You may also try small shiny pinwheels in the planters that move in the breeze and frighten the birds. It also looks festive. I have had this problem before, it is a nuisance.

How do I keep birds from building nests in my hanging ferns?
I happen to be a bird lover and love the fact that birds procreate. It's part of nature! I, myself, would welcome the little family of birds!

But, since you asked, I suppose you could construct some sort of scarecrow and place it in the yard, or hang an owl figure in the hanging fern, if that's possible. That would be the humane way to go.

I am sure, even before I glance, that someone on this site is going to tell you to shoot the birds. But I would not only not suggest this, but say shame on you to the inhumane people that find laughter in someone's serious question.
Reply:Spray them with 7 dust.
Reply:I was told to use moth balls. After a few waterings, they will disappear.

It worked for me.
Reply:Probably can't . If it bothers you, just keep removing nest material . I've had birds nest in hanging plants several times , %26amp; it never hurt the plant . They never stayed for more than 4-5 weeks , so is only temporary . Some birds are very particular , as to elevation of their nest . You could try changing the height of the basket. Not likely to work, but might .

TX Cowboy , "Spray it with sevin"??????

*rolls eyes in a "Lord help me." moment*

Where to start?

1) Sevin is an insecticide , so not meant for birds . - %26amp; they won't know it's toxic %26amp; get the message that they're supposed to move . ;D

2) Poisoning birds is generally not a good thing,( %26amp; won't get you points for good advice )

3) The fern is probably coming back into the house when summer's over . Sevin probably never going to make anybody's list of "Household Items You Can't Live Without "

4) The white dust all over it, might detract from the fern's ornamental value ..... Maybe.

5) Sevin isn't the cure-all, be-all-end-all , alpha %26amp; omega, solver of all the world's problems . (That several people I know think it is ;D) Just use it for it's intended purposes.(as labeled)

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